
Von der Leyen Pledges Focus on Defence, Security, and Climate in Bid for Second Term as European Commission President

Ursula von der Leyen addresses lawmakers before a vote to choose the next President of the European Commission, at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, July 18, 2024. REUTERS/Johanna Geron

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has announced her priorities of defence, security, and climate policy in a bid for a second term, speaking ahead of a crucial vote in Strasbourg.

“Let us make the choice of strength,” von der Leyen told the European Parliament, promising a “European Democracy Shield” if she secures another five years in the role. Having served as Commission president since 2019, she will need 361 votes in the 720-seat Parliament to be re-elected.

Support from her own centre-right European People’s Party (EPP), the Socialists & Democrats, and the liberal Renew group is expected to provide enough votes. While there are no other candidates, the vote’s secrecy could lead MEPs to cast ballots independently of their party lines.

In her comprehensive speech, von der Leyen addressed concerns from various political groups and made several policy pledges. To appeal to Green MEPs, she reaffirmed her commitment to EU climate targets and proposed a 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.

For her centre-right EPP, she proposed common defence initiatives, including a European air shield, and responded to right-wing concerns by promising to triple the number of border guards to strengthen Europe’s borders.

She also touched on social rights, affordable housing, and the need to end the “bloodshed in Gaza,” addressing concerns from the left. Von der Leyen received sustained applause when she criticized Hungary’s Viktor Orban for his recent trip to Moscow, calling it an “appeasement mission.”

She concluded her speech by urging Parliament to vote for her again: “History will keep knocking on Europe’s door, and the need for Europe will be stronger than ever.” The results of the vote will be revealed later on Thursday.

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