
Trump Keeps Close Watch on DNC, Battles Between Sticking to Policy or Going Personal

Donald Trump may not be in Chicago, but his influence is palpable at the Democratic National Convention, and he’s clearly keeping tabs on the event. Although some of his aides claimed he wasn’t watching, a senior campaign official confirmed that Trump is indeed following along and is annoyed by the constant criticism directed at him.

According to an ally who speaks with Trump regularly, his best chance of winning in November lies in focusing on issues like the economy, border security, and crime. Earlier in the week, this seemed feasible as Trump lined up rallies in Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, and Arizona, each centered on these key topics.

However, the relentless barrage of anti-Trump speeches at the DNC has made sticking to the script difficult. During his rally in North Carolina on Wednesday, Trump addressed the situation directly, challenging his own team’s advice to avoid personal attacks. “They always say, ‘Sir, please stick to policy, don’t get personal’… and yet [the Democrats are] getting personal all night long, these people. Do I still have to stick to policy?” he asked the crowd.

When he polled his supporters on whether they preferred more policy discussion or a return to his signature personal style, the crowd overwhelmingly favored the latter. Trump joked about “firing” his advisers but admitted he couldn’t let the attacks go unanswered, even if he tried to focus on policy.

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