
Putin Voices Preference for Joe Biden Over Donald Trump in 2024 US Election

Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his preference for a Joe Biden presidency over Donald Trump in the upcoming US election this November. Putin cited Biden’s experience and predictability as factors in his preference, a statement likely to provoke interest and speculation.

This stance marks a significant shift from Putin’s previous praise of Trump as “outstanding and talented” before the 2016 election. However, Biden’s history of criticizing Putin, including labeling him a “killer” prior to the Ukraine invasion, has not deterred Putin from expressing his preference.

Additionally, Putin remarked on his recent interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson, expressing disappointment with the lack of sharp questioning during the discussion. These comments underscore Putin’s interest and engagement with US politics, particularly as the presidential election approaches.

In an on-camera interview with Russian TV on Wednesday, President Vladimir Putin expressed his belief that Joe Biden’s leadership would be more favorable for Russia. Putin characterized Biden as a “more experienced person” and a “predictable” politician of the older generation. Despite dismissing questions about Biden’s age and mental health, Putin emphasized that during their last meeting in 2021, he hadn’t observed anything unusual.

Addressing past criticism of Biden’s competence, Putin stated that even three years ago, when such concerns were raised, he hadn’t witnessed any issues. He noted that both he and Biden were seen consulting papers during their interactions, and there was nothing extraordinary about it. Putin clarified that Russia is open to working with any US leader who gains the trust of the American public and secures the presidency.

However, Putin did not offer unwavering support for Biden, criticizing the US president’s condemnation of the war in Ukraine as “extremely harmful and erroneous.” This contrasts with the lead-up to the 2016 US election when then-candidate Donald Trump had suggested a positive relationship with Putin, stating they would “get along very well.”

Recently, Donald Trump sparked controversy by suggesting that he would “encourage” Russia to target any NATO member that did not meet the alliance’s financial contribution target of 2% of their GDP. This statement raised concerns about the coherence and stability of NATO’s collective security framework.

In response to Trump’s remarks, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg urged the former president not to undermine the alliance’s commitment to collective security. Stoltenberg’s statement emphasized the importance of solidarity and mutual defense among NATO members in safeguarding their shared values and interests.


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