
Guinea Junta Removes Electricity Company Head Over Power Outage Protests

Guinea has taken swift action to address ongoing power outages that sparked violent protest across the country under military rule.
The head of Guinea’s national electricity company, Laye Sekou Camara, along with his two deputies, Fode Soumah and Abdoulaye Kone, have been relieved of their duties through a decree signed by junta chief General Mamady Doumbouya.
Additionally, the managing director and deputy of Guinea’s national oil company were also dismissed through a separate decree.
Prime Minister Amadou Oury Bah emphasized the need for accountability, stating, “Those responsible for this situation owe us an explanation and everyone must take their share of responsibility.”
The decision follows tragic deaths during violent protest, including two children aged eight and 14, killed in Kindia on Tuesday in Kindia, located 130 kilometres (80 miles) east of Conakry.
Clashes between protesters and security forces erupted in Conakry on Thursday after a power outage plunged much of the capital into darkness.
The power cut, attributed to an incident involving a high-voltage pylon, prompted outrage among Guineans already grappling with ongoing fuel shortages and electricity blackouts despite the country’s abundant mineral and natural resources.
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