
Gov Uba Sani Offers Free Education, Support to Rescued Kuriga School Students

In a benevolent gesture, Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State has extended a compassionate hand to the rescued students of Kuriga school, offering them free education under his foundation.
Governor Sani further pledged to oversee the reconstruction of the LEA primary and government secondary school in Kuriga, along with providing essential infrastructure to enhance the community’s well-being.
During a heartfelt address to the children at the Government House before their return to Kuriga on Thursday, Governor Sani reassured them that the recent kidnapping incident would not hinder their education.
He emphasized that robust security measures had been put in place in Kuriga to ensure the safety of residents and allow them to resume their daily activities without fear.
Expressing solidarity with the affected families, Governor Sani announced a substantial N10 million donation to the family of the late head teacher, Abubakar Isah, who tragically lost his life during the captivity.
Additionally, he extended scholarships to the deceased teacher’s children, supporting their education up to the university level.
“Yesterday, the parents came here, met the children and everyone was happy. I would like to give credit to the children who have since been handed over to the Kaduna State government. They were very patient with us. They also understand the situation they found themselves in. When they came back, we realised that some of their situations were serious mentally. That was why we decided to engage the services of psychologists, and they went through a lot of sessions with doctors and nurses, counselling and therapy. I am happy that all the children here are extremely happy and in high spirits.
“When we met two days ago, they told me they did not want to go back home, and that they wanted to stay with me for the next two weeks. But I told them it was not possible, and that they had to go home. Their parents are missing them after about 17 days since they last saw them.
“They will go home by the grace of God today. And I want to say here today, that all the 137, like I promised them; will be my students by the grace of God. I have already directed the Uba Sani Foundation which has been in existence for the past 16 years delivering free education and healthcare, to look after them.
“I have also directed, that a lot of renovation be put in place in the community and the schools because to me, Kuriga community is one of the most peaceful communities in Kaduna State.
“All the children are back safely, but we lost only one teacher, and may his soul rest in peace. Mallam Abubakar was a good man, and his children have missed him. We all miss him. He was one of the most resourceful teachers in the school, but we lost him.
“The Kaduna State government will be supporting the children of Mallam Abubakar through school. We will also be supporting the family with N10m because of what they went through. Mallam Abubakar died due to some medical conditions he had. May his would rest in peace,” he said.
The schoolchildren were abducted from LEA Primary School and Government Secondary School, Kuriga, about four weeks ago, however, the Defence Headquarters, last weekend said they had been rescued.
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