
Gov Sani Reveals Heavy Debt Burden Inherited from Previous Administration

Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna State has disclosed that his administration inherited a substantial debt burden of $587 million, N85 billion, and 115 contractual liabilities from the previous administration led by Nasir El-Rufai.
He expressed concern over the adverse impact of this debt on the state’s federal allocation.
Speaking at a town hall meeting held on Saturday to provide an account of his stewardship, Governor Sani emphasized his commitment to navigating Kaduna State towards progress despite the financial challenges inherited.
The town hall meeting, attended by various stakeholders including traditional rulers and religious leaders, politicians, members of the Organised Labour, civil society organisations, youths and women groups. Also present include a former governor of Kaduna State, Ramalan Yero; a former Chief of Defence Staff, General Martin-Luther Agwai; members of the Kaduna State Executive Council, as well as members of the House of Assembly led by the Speaker, Yusuf Liman.
Accompanied by his deputy, Hadiza Balarabe, Governor Sani addressed the audience, shedding light on the state’s revenue profile and the magnitude of debt left by the previous administration.
He noted key priority areas such as security, housing, education, healthcare, and support for micro, small, and medium enterprises.
The Commissioner of Finance, Shizzer Bada, delivered a presentation highlighting the state’s federal allocation and the portion deducted to service the inherited debt.
Additionally, the Budget and Planning Commissioner, Muktar Ahmed, addressed the issue of contractual liabilities, revealing instances where contractors abandoned projects after receiving payments.
Despite the formidable challenges posed by the substantial debt burden and contractual liabilities, Governor Sani reassured the people of his unwavering commitment to steering the state towards progress and sustainable development.
He pledged to remain focused on addressing critical issues and leveraging available resources to drive positive change in Kaduna State.
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