
Dueling Pro-Palestinian And Pro-Israel Rallies Held At Washington Square Park

Violence in the Middle East sparked more protests in Manhattan on Tuesday evening.

Hundreds of protestors supporting Palestinians and dozens supporting Israel both gathered at Washington Square Park.

The pro-Palestinian rally met on the east side of the park around 4 p.m. and slowly moved towards the arch. That protest was met with a counter rally comprised of Israeli students in support of Israel.

Standing in between the two groups was a tight formation of NYPD officers making sure the line wasn’t breached.

Both sides were adamant in their opinion, and both were insistent in their claims that they are the victims in the bloody conflict overseas.

Pro-Palestinians called for a free Gaza and an end to their oppression.

“Palestinians have been oppressed and murdered for the past 75 years, because we’re tired of it and because it’s ridiculous the attitude towards it in this country,” pro-Palestinian demonstrator Anisa Ahmad-Cordone said.

Meanwhile, pro-Israelis demanded the release of hostages and the end of Hamas.

“In an ideal world, the safe return of the hostages, the replacement of Hamas with a serious government for the Palestinians, I believe the Palestinians deserve their own state, but Hamas is not a government it’s a terrorist organization and they are torturing their own people more than Israel ever could,” pro-Israeli demonstrator Yehuda Jian said.

The horrific bombing of a hospital in Gaza Tuesday ripped open up old scab wounds. So far, no one has claimed responsibility for the deadly blast.

“All loss of life is a tragedy,” attorney Sanford Rubenstein said. “But the bottom line is Hamas must be eliminated.”

So many of the demonstrators gathered at the park have family and friends overseas making the Middle East conflict personal, emotional and feel much closer than 5,000 miles away.

“I have cousins called up to reserve,” pro-Israeli demonstrator Yehuda Jian said. “I have a grandmother who can’t leave, too old. Everyone has a story just like mine.”

Fortunately, while there were heated emotions on both sides Tuesday night, the dueling protests remained peaceful.




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