
Adamawa APC Rejects Tribunal’s Judgement Sought Other Means

Ahmadu Fintiri,Aishatu Dahiru Ahmed
The judgment of the Tribunal, which upheld Governor Ahmadu Fintiri’s victory over the party’s nominee, Senator Aishatu Dahiru Ahmed, also referred to as Aishatu Binani, was rejected by the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Adamawa State.
APC and its candidate, alongside other contestant, had filed a petition challenging the State’s declaration of Fintiri as the winner of the gubernatorial election. The petition alleged extensive electoral law violations and manipulation of the voting process.
Theodora Obi Uloho, the chairman of the three-member panel, dismissed the petition, claiming that the petitioners were unable to substantiate their claims, and declared Fintiri the election’s winner during the tribunal’s sitting on Saturday.
Responding to the judgement, the state chairman of APC, Idris Shuaibu, said the verdict was a shock to him and the party, stressing they still have other avenues to express their grievances to upturn Fintiri’s victory.
Shuaibu, a lawyer and former legal adviser of the party in the State argued that the Tribunal judgement did not reflect the people’s will.
He said APC would liaise with the national leadership to apply for the certified judgement record, study it, and head for appeal, urging party members to remain calm.
He said, “We have hope, as we have two more avenues after the tribunal to express our grievances and for the tribunal judgement to be upturned.
“This judgement is not the true reflection of Adamawa voters’ mandate.
“The APC in Adamawa State is resolute to pursue all legal means to get our mandate.”
Meanwhile, Fintiri has called onBinani and other litigants to set aside their differences and work for the good of the State.
In a speech delivered after the election tribunal judgement, the governor described the judgement as fair and just, stressing it has reaffirmed the people’s belief in the judiciary as the last hope of the common man.
Fintri noted that his victory was for the exponential growth of the people of Adamawa and affirmed the will of the people over political brinkmanship and an entitlement mentality.
He added that the task ahead is enormous, and it is essential for all litigants to unite for a better society.
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