
Salihu Lukman Criticizes President Tinubu and APC for Stalling Renewed Hope Agenda

Former APC National Vice Chairman (North West), Salihu Lukman, has voiced strong criticism of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and the All Progressives Congress (APC) over the lack of progress on the Renewed Hope Agenda. In an interview on Channels TV’s Politics Today, Lukman challenged the president and party leaders to show evidence of delivery on the promises made under the Renewed Hope initiative, asserting that “nothing has been delivered.”

Lukman expressed frustration over worsening conditions and an increase in ungoverned spaces under Tinubu’s leadership. He emphasized that his criticism stemmed from a desire to see progress in Nigeria, dismissing claims that his critique was based on regional or ethnic bias.

Lukman stated, “I didn’t come from the background where my mission in politics is about survival,” stressing that his focus was on the country’s welfare, not personal gain or political privileges.

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