
FG Launches UBE Effective Schools Program Nationwide

In a significant educational development, the Federal Government has rolled out the Universal Basic Education (UBE) Effective Schools Program across 111 schools nationwide.
This announcement was made by Dr. Hamid Bobboyi, executive secretary of UBEC, during a meeting in Abuja with State Universal Basic Education Boards (SUBEBs) Coordinating Directors and Head Teachers of UBE Effective Schools.
Dr. Bobboyi, represented by Deputy Executive Secretary Professor Bala Zakari, emphasized that the Effective Schools initiative aims to address the learning crisis and reduce the number of out-of-school children. The programme is designed to provide Nigerian children with the tools necessary for improved learning outcomes and 21st-century skills.
Highlighting UBEC’s commitment to creating an optimal learning environment, Dr. Bobboyi noted that the Effective Schools would elevate the quality of UBE delivery by ensuring that minimum educational standards are met. The programme is structured to progressively enhance teaching and learning resources, optimizing the potential of both educators and students.
After thorough engagement with stakeholders, UBEC initiated the programme as a pilot in three schools in each state and the FCT, converting 111 previously designated UBEC E-learning centres into Effective Schools. Significant strides have been made, including the distribution of instructional materials, provision of tablets, installation of satellite-based learning equipment, and training of headteachers and teachers in ICT pedagogy.
Dr. Bobboyi underscored the necessity of collaboration among all stakeholders, particularly headteachers, who are essential to the programme’s implementation and the maintenance of curriculum and administrative standards. He urged headteachers to integrate the ESP principles into daily school operations and to leverage the interactive programme to deepen their understanding and enhance their leadership approaches.
Dr. Ossom Ossom, UBEC’s Director of Social Mobilisation, reiterated the pivotal role of headteachers in the success of the UBE Effective Schools Programme, stressing the challenges ahead and the importance of strong leadership to ensure the programme’s effectiveness.
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