
FG Acquires 10 Mobile Power Stations to Tackle Electricity Challenges

In a significant step towards addressing the persistent challenges plaguing the power sector in Nigeria, the Federal Government has announced the acquisition of 10 mobile power stations. 
This was made known by the Minister of Power, Adebayo Adelabu, during a meeting with the Forum of Commissioners of Energy in Nigeria on Wednesday, February 28.
In a press statement signed by the Special Adviser, Strategic Communications and Media Relations, Ministry of Power, Bolaji Tunji on Thursday, February 29, while addressing the forum which had 23 States in attendance, Adelabu begged for patience, saying power failure will soon be a thing of the past.
“We are poised to address the root cause of the electricity challenge. We have done enough diagnostics, we know the cause of the problem, and we are now in the implementation stage. We have realised that in the past, temporary solutions were applied to the challenges without dealing with the root cause”, he said.
Adelabu enjoined the Federal and State governments to seize the opportunity to work together.
“You can always call on me to intervene, I will stand by you and I know once the States start to perform and take up further responsibilities, it means I have also performed.
“When each of the States starts getting involved, there would be healthy rivalry akin to what we used to have in the days of regional government”.
Adelabu highlighted the success story of Abia State, where Geometrics Power Limited operates a 188-megawatt power generating plant providing round-the-clock electricity to several local government areas.
“They enjoy 24-hour power supply; this is what we want States to also adopt. It might look difficult, but with tenacity and if we endure, it is achievable”, he said.
He urged other states to emulate such initiatives, stressing that with determination and endurance, sustainable power supply is attainable.
The Minister also encouraged State governments to actively engage in distribution networks within their jurisdictions and bridge the metering gap.
He suggested that States can invest in power infrastructure, collaborate with distribution companies (DISCOs), and capitalize on their shares to enhance electricity distribution and management.
“You can then discuss with the DISCOs how to capitalise your investment. State government can get involved in picking the executive management of the DISCOs. You already have about 40 per cent of the shares of the DISCOs. You need to discuss this with the Ministry of Finance Incorporated (MOFI) on the shares. If a State buys about 10, 000 meters, all that needs to be done is to agree with the DISCOs on capitalising the investment”.
“You should know who you are dealing with at the State level and if you invest in the power infrastructure, you would know who to hold responsible. It is easy for the States and DISCOs to work together on distribution. As a State, you are in a position to know the unserved and the underserved or where there are weak infrastructures that States can invest in. Once we can attend the challenges from 36 points, we will have solved a lot of our electricity problems”, he said.
Prince Eka Williams, Chairman of the Forum and Commissioner of Power and Energy, Cross River State, reaffirmed the states’ unwavering support for the Federal government’s electricity reform agenda.
“The Honourable Minister’s consistent call for collaboration and partnership is key”, he said
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