
Bomb Explosion Hits Goma Airport Amid Escalating Clashes in Eastern DR Congo

An explosion rocked the airport in Goma, a volatile city in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), on Saturday morning amid heightened clashes between rebel groups and government forces near the town of Sake, approximately 20 kilometers away. 
Security and government sources confirmed the incident to AFP.
The M23 rebel group, accused by the Kinshasa government of receiving support from Rwanda, is engaged in conflict with Congolese government forces.
“Yes, it’s true, Goma airport was hit by a bomb last night,” a source in the governorate of North Kivu province told reporters, but pleaded not to be named.
While the airport suffered no damage from the reported “two bombs,” according to a security source, investigations are underway to determine the source of the attack.
The UN Security Council expressed concerns over escalating violence in eastern DRC this week, particularly denouncing the offensive by predominantly Tutsi M23 rebels near Goma.
The region has witnessed rebel advancements over the past two years, leading to mass displacement of civilians toward Goma.
A confidential UN report, obtained earlier this week, alleged that the Rwandan military deployed advanced weaponry, including surface-to-air missiles, to support M23 rebels. Despite UN presence in the DRC for nearly 25 years, efforts to safeguard civilians from armed groups remain insufficient.
In December, the UN Security Council approved Kinshasa’s request for withdrawal, despite ongoing violence in the region.
African leaders convened for a summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to address the DRC situation and were expected to continue discussions on Saturday.
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