
Bill Gates to Visit Nigeria for Discussions on Health and Nutrition

Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is scheduled to visit Nigeria on Tuesday to engage with national leaders, youth, and partners in addressing health and nutrition challenges. The visit will focus on fostering innovation and finding solutions to improve health outcomes across Africa. Gates will meet with local and national leaders, foundation partners, grantees, and innovators to discuss progress and challenges in primary healthcare, agriculture, and nutrition.

According to a statement from the foundation, Gates is committed to understanding and supporting the efforts of experts who are advancing these critical areas, despite economic hardships. “Gates, alongside other foundation leaders, will meet with experts in primary health care, agriculture, and nutrition who are driving progress across the continent, despite economic challenges,” the foundation emphasized.

Additionally, Gates will participate in a pan-African virtual dialogue on combating malnutrition through integrated health, agriculture, and financing solutions. This event will feature musician, educator, and humanitarian Jon Batiste, highlighting a collaborative approach to tackling malnutrition in Africa.

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