
US Soldier Travis King Sentenced to One Year Confinement and Dishonorably Discharged After Fleeing to North Korea

US Army Private Travis King, who fled to North Korea last year and was later returned to the United States, has been sentenced to one year of confinement and dishonorably discharged from the military. King, 24, faced charges of desertion and assaulting a non-commissioned officer. However, with time served and credit for good behavior, he was released, according to his legal team.

At a hearing held at Fort Bliss, Texas, King pleaded guilty to five of the 14 military charges brought against him, while the remaining charges were dismissed. King had joined the Army in January 2021 and was stationed in South Korea before crossing into North Korea in July 2023.

During the hearing, King told military judge Lt. Col. Rick Mathew that he fled the Army out of dissatisfaction with his work and had been contemplating desertion for about a year. “I wanted to desert from the US Army and never come back,” King said. He also disclosed that he had been diagnosed with mental health conditions but affirmed that he was fit to stand trial.

King’s attorney, Franklin Rosenblatt, stated that his client accepts full responsibility for his actions, noting the difficult challenges King faced throughout his life, including a troubled upbringing, exposure to criminal environments, and mental health struggles.

King’s desertion occurred while on a civilian tour of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea, after his release from a South Korean prison where he had served time for assault and damaging a police car. Instead of boarding a flight back to his base for disciplinary action, King joined the tour and ran into North Korea, where he was detained.

North Korean authorities initially reported that King fled due to alleged “inhuman treatment” and racism within the US military. He was the first American detained in North Korea in nearly five years and was released after two months of diplomatic negotiations.

After his return to the US, King was charged with several offenses, including desertion, assault, disobedience, and possession of illicit material. While some charges were dismissed following negotiations, he pleaded guilty to the others. Despite his release, King’s lawyer noted that the negative public perception and his time in custody represent “an ongoing punishment” that will affect him for life.

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