
Atiku Calls For Coalition Among PDP, LP, NNPP, SDP, And Others To Challenge APC’s Power

Former Vice President of Nigeria, and Peoples Democratic Party presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar, has issued a warning about the potential transformation of Nigeria into a one-party state.
At a meeting with the national executive committee of the Inter-Party Advisory Council Nigeria (IPAC) on Tuesday, Atiku emphasized the collective responsibility of safeguarding democracy.
He stressed the urgency for opposition parties to unite against the growing dominance of the APC, expressing concerns that a one-party system would jeopardize the democratic process.
Atiku urged IPAC’s leadership to forge a stronger alliance to prevent Nigeria’s democracy from slipping into a one-party state, emphasizing the need for cooperation to counteract the ruling party’s actions.
Criticizing the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Atiku accused the organization of overseeing the worst general election in the country.
He pointed out flaws in recent off-season elections, questioning the credibility of INEC’s practices.
Atiku called for opposition lawmakers in the National Assembly to sponsor legislation focusing on constitutional and electoral reforms, particularly prioritizing electronic voting.
He argued that adopting electronic voting is crucial for transparency, suggesting that until this is achieved, INEC’s credibility will remain compromised, posing a significant threat to democracy.
“The Independent National Electoral Commission conducted the worst general election in the country.
“Recently again in the off-season election in three states, INEC doubled down on its disregard for the tenets of our democracy.
“We all can see how INEC declared a result in Kogi State where the total number of votes cast is higher than the total number of accredited voters in one local government.
“We cannot have a healthy democracy in an environment where all INEC does is to deliver the ruling party at all cost.
“That is also why I will urge you all, to appeal to lawmakers of the various opposition parties in the National Assembly to sponsor legislation that will advance the course of the constitutional and electoral reforms agenda that I shared in my recent press conference.
The issue of electronic voting must be the urgent priority of the National Assembly because countries that are far less advanced as Nigeria are already doing it.
“Until our elections pass the test of transparency through electronic voting, it will be difficult for INEC to regain its credibility, and our democracy will be the first casualty of such a situation,” Atiku noted.
Yabagi Sani, speaking on behalf of IPAC, conveyed the group’s decision to visit Atiku, emphasizing his commitment to democracy and inclusive politics. Despite acknowledging election shortcomings, Yabagi affirmed that democracy remains the preferred governance system.
Referring to Atiku as a key figure in Nigerian democracy, he assured continued support from IPAC, stating that “the journey has just begun for Atiku,” and they are ready to assist him whenever needed.
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