
12 More Gaza Hostages Released Amid Truce Talks

Twelve additional hostages were released from Gaza captivity on Tuesday, exchanged for Palestinian prisoners under an extended truce, as mediators strive for a lasting halt to the seven-week Israel-Hamas conflict. 
The Israeli prime minister’s office confirmed the release of ten Israelis and two Thais, handed over to the Red Cross and now within Israeli territory. Israel’s prison services reported the release of 30 Palestinian detainees under the truce agreement.
 International figures expressed hope in the pause of hostilities and the liberation of captives amid ongoing mediation efforts. The truce’s extension held as US and Israeli intelligence chiefs discussed the “next phase” in Doha, Qatar.
The freed Israelis included nine women and a girl, with two being dual nationals from Argentina. Israel and Hamas, urged by international pressure, face expectations not to resume all-out fighting when the truce concludes on Thursday.
The truce paused fighting that began on October 7 when Hamas militants poured over the border into Israel, killing 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and kidnapping about 240.
Israel’s retaliatory ground and air operation in Gaza has killed almost 15,000 people, mostly civilians, according to the territory’s Hamas government.
Next Phase: Israel Vows to Destroy Hamas, Rescue Remaining Hostages
“The return of the hostages is a bright light for us all,” stated army chief Herzi Halevi in a video released by the military.
Halevi emphasized that the release of dozens is evidence of successful military pressure and determined ground operations, creating conditions for the return of Israeli civilians.
Qatar plans to work toward a “sustainable truce” during the extended pause, as per spokesman Majed Al-Ansari.
CIA and Mossad directors met in Doha to discuss the truce with Qatar’s prime minister, aiming to build on progress and initiate further discussions about the potential next phase of a deal.
Before Tuesday recent exchanges, 50 Israeli hostages and 150 Palestinian prisoners, mostly women and minors, were released under the initial truce.
Additional hostages in Gaza have been freed under separate deals, including Thai workers and a dual Russian-Israeli citizen.
A video showcased the reunion of French-Israeli Eitan Yahalomi, 12, with his mother, and Palestinian prisoner Muhammad Abu al-Humus expressed “indescribable joy” upon his release in Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem.
Truce Violations Alleged
Palestinian movements on Tuesday denounced what they dubbed “truce violations by the occupier”, and an AFP journalist saw an Israeli tank fire three times in Gaza City’s Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood as Palestinians tried to return to their homes.
The Israeli military described the shelling as “warning shots”, saying a tank fired as suspected militants approached army positions. At least one person was hurt, the AFP reporter saw.
The army also claimed that three explosive devices were detonated near its forces in northern Gaza, “violating the framework of the operational pause”.
“In one of the locations, terrorists also opened fire at the troops, who responded with fire. A number of soldiers were lightly injured during the incidents,” the army said, adding that its troops were positioned in compliance with the truce deal.
Qatar’s Ansari reported “some minimal breaches” which, he told a news conference, “did not harm the essence of the agreement”.
Israeli bombardments since October 7 have left buildings flattened in Gaza and residents walking through the rubble of ruined homes.
“I hope this truce will lead to a complete ceasefire, because we are fed up of sleeping outdoors in the rain, of losing our loved ones and having to flee,” said Umm Mohammed, who was driven from her home in northern Gaza by the assault.
“One day for sure I will return… and I hope that my house will be waiting for me,” she said.
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